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UNIT I: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Chapter 1: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

  • Topics:
    • Impact of the French Revolution on European nation-states
    • Nature of social movements during the time
    • Evolution of nationalism and formation of nation-states
    • Causes of the First World War

Curricular Goals:

  • CG-2: Analyze important phases in world history.
  • CG-3: Understand the emergence of the modern Indian Nation.


  • C-2.4: Explain growth of ideas (humanism, mercantilism, etc.) and their historical impact.
  • C-2.5: Recognize condemned practices (racism, slavery, etc.) and their historical significance.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Infer the impact of the French Revolution.
  • Comprehend diverse social movements.
  • Analyze nationalism’s evolution.
  • Evaluate reasons for the First World War.

Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:

  • Presentations and discussions on the French Revolution.
  • Graphic organizers for state unification.
  • Map activities of Europe post-Congress of Vienna.
  • World Café on changes after 1815.
  • Role play on European social revolutions.

UNIT II: Nationalism in India

Chapter 2: Nationalism in India

  • Topics:
    • Phases of the Indian national freedom struggle
    • Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership and philosophies
    • Concepts of Swaraj, Swadeshi, and ahimsa

Curricular Goals:

  • CG-3: Understand the emergence of the modern Indian Nation.


  • C-3.2: Identify and analyze phases of the Indian freedom struggle.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Illustrate facets of nationalistic movements.
  • Evaluate strategies of Gandhi and other leaders.
  • Summarize effects of the First World War on Indian movements.

Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:

  • Sequence charts and storytelling for nationalistic movements.
  • Textual content examination and PPT presentations.
  • Viewing video clips of Gandhi’s events.

UNIT III: The Making of a Global World

Chapter 3: The Making of a Global World

  • Subtopics:
    1. The Premodern World
    2. 19th Century (1815-1914)
    3. The Inter-War Economy
    4. Rebuilding the World Economy: The Post-War Era

Curricular Goals:

  • CG-7: Develop understanding of a nation’s economy, specifically India.


  • C-2.3: Trace continuity and change in world history.
  • C-7.4: Trace the beginning and importance of trade and commerce.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Summarize transformative changes in economy, politics, culture, and technology.
  • Initiate inquiry-based learning on global transformations.
  • Depict global interconnectedness from premodern to present.

Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:

  • World Café strategy for discussions on transformative changes.
  • Art integration and gallery walks for interconnectedness.
  • Newspaper clipping presentations on colonialism’s impact.
  • UNIT IV: The Age of Industrialisation
    Chapter 1: The Age of Industrialisation
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-2: Analyzes important phases in world history and draws insights to understand the present-day world.
    C-2.4: Explains the growth of new ideas and practices across the world (including humanism, mercantilism, industrialisation, scientific developments, and explorations, imperialism, colonialism, and various technologies) and their impact on world history.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate economic, political, and social features of Pre and Post Industrialization.
    Analyze how industrialization impacted colonies, with specific focus on India.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Watch relevant videos, visuals, documentaries, and movie clippings on features of Pre & Post Industrialization.

    UNIT V: Print Culture and the Modern World
    Chapter 2: Print Culture and the Modern World
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-2: Analyzes important phases in world history and draws insights to understand the present-day world.
    CG-9: Understands and appreciates the contribution of India to the overall field of Social Science.
    C-2.4: Explains the growth of new ideas and practices across the world and their impact on world history.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate the development of print from its beginnings in East Asia to its expansion in Europe and India.
    Comment on the statement that the print revolution was a profound transformation of people.
    Compare and contrast handwritten manuscripts versus print technology.
    Summarize the role and impact of the print revolution.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Flow chart to depict the development of print.
    Declamation on the transformation due to the print revolution.
    Use of a Venn diagram to compare advantages of handwritten books and printed books.
    Interpret and infer from pictures, cartoons, and extracts on print culture.

    Political Science: Democratic Politics – II
    Chapter 1: Power-Sharing
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-5: Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy.
    C-5.4: Analyzes basic features of democracy and compares it with other forms of government.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate the need for power-sharing in democracy.
    Analyze challenges faced by countries like Belgium and Sri Lanka.
    Compare power-sharing in India with Sri Lanka and Belgium.
    Summarize the purpose of power-sharing for unity and stability.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Read newspaper articles on power-sharing and present findings in a flow chart.
    Discuss various forms of power-sharing.
    Classroom discussion on challenges faced by Belgium and Sri Lanka.
    Socratic discussion on power-sharing techniques used by India, Sri Lanka, and Belgium.

    Chapter 2: Federalism
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-5: Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy.
    C-5.2: Appreciates fundamental constitutional values for the prosperity of India.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Infer how federalism is practiced in India.
    Analyze policies that strengthen federalism in practice.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Group discussion on distribution of powers between Union and State Government, presenting outcomes.
    Debate on policies that strengthen federalism in practice, presented through a mind map.

    Chapter 3: Gender, Religion, and Caste
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-6: Understands and analyzes social, cultural, and political life in India.
    C-6.1: Recognizes inequality, injustice, and discrimination in different sections of society.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Examine the role of gender, religion, and caste in democracy.
    Analyze expressions based on these factors.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Skit/street play on the impact of gender, religion, and caste on democracy.
    Graphic method to analyze how these differences affect democracy.

    Chapter 4: Political Parties
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-5: Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy.
    C-5.3: Explains fundamental rights and duties.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Understand the process of parties getting elected.
    Examine the role and purpose of political parties in democracy.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Mock election to learn the electoral process.
    Role play to create awareness of fundamental duties.
    Flow chart on the role and purpose of political parties.
    Read newspapers and watch video clippings on contributions of political parties.

    Chapter 5: Outcomes of Democracy
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-5: Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy.
    C-5.5: Analyzes the role of non-state participants in a democratic society.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate factors that contribute to the success of democracy.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Use graphic organizers to illustrate how democracy’s success depends on various factors.
    Geography: Contemporary India – II
    Chapter 1: Resources and Development
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-4: Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and its influence on livelihoods, culture, and biodiversity.
    C-4.4: Analyzes and evaluates the interrelationship between the natural environment and human cultures across regions, focusing on India’s environmental ethos.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate the interdependence of resources and the need for judicious planning in India.
    Infer the rationale for resource development and the need for conservation.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Brainstorm on resource interdependence and present findings in a Venn diagram.
    Use maps and charts to identify patterns of land utilization.
    Case study and debate on “Is development an adversary for conservation?”
    Present a report in the form of a PPT.

    Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-4: Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment.
    C-4.6: Develops sensitivity towards the judicious use of natural resources and suggests conservation measures.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Examine the importance of conserving forests and wildlife for sustainable development in India.
    Summarize reasons for the conservation of biodiversity.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Analyze the role of grazing and wood cutting in development and degradation.
    Read articles/watch videos on deforestation and present findings through a world café strategy.
    Use art integration to summarize reasons for biodiversity conservation.

    Chapter 3: Water Resources
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-4: Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment.
    C-4.2: Explains important geographical concepts and characteristics of landforms.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Examine the reasons for water resource conservation in India.
    Analyze how multipurpose projects support water requirements.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Brainstorm on water scarcity and present findings using graphic organizers.
    Prepare a PPT summarizing the roles of multipurpose projects.

    Chapter 4: Agriculture
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-4: Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment.
    C-4.3: Draws interlinkages between various components of the physical environment.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Examine the role of agriculture in the economy and society.
    Analyze challenges faced by the farming community in India.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Group discussion on challenges like low productivity and present findings through a PPT.
    Collect newspapers for a panel discussion on farming challenges.
    Use graphic organizers to distinguish traditional and modern farming methods.

    Chapter 5: Minerals and Energy Resources
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-4: Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment.
    C-4.6: Develops sensitivity towards the judicious use of natural resources and suggests conservation measures.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Differentiate between conventional and non-conventional energy sources.
    Analyze the importance of minerals and natural resources for economic development.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Use graphic organizers to infer resource distribution and list strategies for sustainable use.
    Use a flow chart to differentiate between energy sources.

    Chapter 6: Manufacturing Industries
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-4: Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment.
    C-4.5: Critically evaluates human interventions on the environment.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate the impact of manufacturing industries on the environment and develop sustainable strategies.
    Analyze the relation between the availability of raw materials and industry location.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Use flow charts to differentiate various types of manufacturing industries.
    Utilize textual information and case studies to analyze the impact of industries on the environment.

    Chapter 7: Life Lines of National Economy
    Interdisciplinary Project:Refer to Chapter 3 of History: The Making of a Global World and Chapter 4 of Economics: Globalization and the Indian Economy.
    Refer to Annexure IV.

    Economics: Understanding Economic Development
    Chapter 1: Development
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-8: Evaluates the economic development of a country and its impact on lives and nature.
    C-8.1: Gathers, comprehends, and analyzes data related to income, poverty, and employment.
    C-8.4: Describes India’s recent path toward becoming one of the largest economies.
    C-8.5: Appreciates connections between economic development and the environment.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate and examine processes involved in setting developmental goals.
    Analyze how per capita income reflects the nation’s economic condition.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Use the hot seat strategy to discuss developmental goals for nation-building.
    Case study to analyze the depiction of economic conditions through per capita income.
    Graphic organizer to compare HDI and PCI.
    Debate on health and education as true indicators of development.

    Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-7: Develops an understanding of the economy of a nation, with specific reference to India.
    C-7.1: Defines key features of the economy and factors influencing production, distribution, and trade.
    C-7.2: Evaluates the importance of primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.
    C-7.3: Distinguishes between organized and unorganized sectors and their roles.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Analyze how different economic activities contribute to overall growth.
    Summarize the roles of organized and unorganized sectors in employment.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Data analysis of various sectors and their contributions to the economy.
    Propose solutions to problems in different sectors.
    Discuss the role of the public and private sectors in impacting PCI.
  • Chapter 3: Money and Credit
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-8: Evaluates the economic development of a country in terms of its impact on the lives of its people and nature.
    C-8.1: Gathers, comprehends, and analyzes data related to income, capital, poverty, and employment in one’s locality, region, and at the national level.
    C-8.3: Understands the features of ancient India’s trade practices, networks, and industries.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate how money serves as a medium of exchange in transactions since ancient times.
    Analyze various sources of credit.
    Summarize the significance of self-help groups in improving the economic conditions of rural people and women.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Group discussion on the role of money as a medium of exchange.
    Case study to analyze various sources of credit.
    Guest speaker program with a bank manager or self-help group member to discuss their impact on rural economies.

    Chapter 4: Globalization and the Indian Economy
    Curricular Goals:
    CG-7: Develops an understanding of the economy of a nation, with specific reference to India.
    CG-8: Evaluates the economic development of a country in terms of its impact on society.
    C-7.4: Traces the beginning and importance of large-scale trade and commerce, including e-commerce.
    C-8.3: Understands ancient India’s trade practices and its historical economic prominence.
    Learning Outcomes:
    Enumerate the concept of globalization, its definition, evolution, and impact on the global economy.
    Evaluate the key drivers of globalization and their role in shaping the global economic landscape.
    Comprehend the significance of G20 in the context of India’s current role.
    Suggestive Pedagogical Processes:
    Watch videos on globalization followed by an interactive group discussion.
    Read textual resources to analyze the key drivers of globalization.
    Conduct discussions or debates on the positive impacts of globalization on people’s lives.

    Project Work
    Consumer Rights
    Social Issues
    Sustainable Development
    Refer to Annexure III for detailed guidelines.

    Class X: List of Map Items
    Subject: History
    Chapter: Nationalism in IndiaLocate Congress sessions:1920 Calcutta
    1920 Nagpur
    1927 Madras
    Satyagraha movements:Kheda
    Ahmedabad mill workers
    Jallianwala Bagh
    Dandi March
    Subject: Geography
    Chapter: Resources and Development
    Identify major soil types.
    Chapter: Water Resources
    Locate and label major dams:Salal
    Bhakra Nangal
    Rana Pratap Sagar
    Sardar Sarovar
    Nagarjun Sagar
    Chapter: Agriculture
    Identify major areas of rice and wheat.
    Largest states producing sugarcane, tea, coffee, rubber, cotton, and jute.
    Chapter: Minerals and Energy Resources
    Identify iron ore mines:Mayurbhanj
    Identify coal mines:Raniganj
    Identify oil fields:Digboi
    Mumbai High
    Locate and label power plants:Thermal:Namrup
    Chapter: Manufacturing Industries
    Locate major manufacturing industries:Cotton textile:Mumbai
    Iron and steel plants:Durgapur
    Software technology parks:Noida
    Chapter: Lifelines of National Economy
    Locate major sea ports:Kandla
    New Mangalore
    Locate international airports:Amritsar (Raja Sansi-Sri Guru Ram Dasjee)
    Delhi (Indira Gandhi)
    Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji)
    Chennai (Meenam Bakkam)
    Kolkata (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose)
    Hyderabad (Rajiv Gandhi)
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